Friday, February 24, 2012

Macroeconomic & Fiscal miscalculations

India is an emerging economy in the emerging economies slated to post immense growth rate by the 2150 AD as part of the BRIC. It may be jubilation or euphoria, but it is no better than PIGS (Portuguese, Ireland, Greece, and Spain) which are considered as Crisis economies. There is currently an economic view that throwing good money after bad is only going to make the matters worst. This holds well, some European economists feel about Greece which had seen no turnaround in its economy even though European Union has been helping the troubled Euro nation of Greece. Unless something miracle happens, European Union may see Greece exiting. So also, the after shocks of the indiscriminate fuel hike in India. Kingfisher is its first victim, even though it suffers from many diseases overtly. Should lifeline be given? Banks are mum, RBI is mum, and Government is mum. It took the Herculean effort in the Government to provide impetus to Air India or Indian airlines. Kingfisher has been declared as a “Non Performing Asset”. There was all-round skepticism about the appetite for raking more risks. Banks have refused to open the liquidity until they (banks) receive some dues. But, with more and more fights grounded, the account under operation under Garnishee Law- for Income Tax dept has attached the account; the survival of Kingfisher looks very unclear. Passenger Cars also have been affected by the petroleum product hike. This has affected the IIP output which was 5.7% in Oct 2011, 6.6% in November 2011 and 1.8% in December 2011. There has been a marked decline in the capital goods manufacturing though power sector with 8.3% growth and Services sector with 9.6%, with overall food inflation touching negative from the 16% almost six months ago, core and general inflation too, in the vicinity of 6.5%, making it clear that India is not out of the woods. The growth rate has been projected as 7%, but it is likely to be 6.8-6.9%. The foreign direct investment and foreign institutional investment has come down, and gross fixed capital formation as a proportion to GDP has come down by 4 percentage points to 29.3% from 32.9 %( 2007-8). Large scale liquidity injection by European Central Bank since Dec 2011 has lowered yields on the Government bonds. 20% of the foreign currency convertible bonds due for conversion are likely to default. Gold import has been a component which has increased the Current a/c deficit which was around 3.6% of the GDP in the first, second quarter of 2011-12. This import had to reduce merchandise imports. Primary food inflation saw acceleration of need for money wage rates, cash prices, behaviour of manufactured goods, cascading to increased subsidy bill, and higher government finances. Fiscal consolidation, which is a pillar of macroeconomic stability, budgeted at 4.6% may touch 6%. The uncertainty in the forex rates(if the exposure is unhedged), has made ECCBs which were a cheaper financing option has become costlier, making the benefit of the debt completely wiped off leaving the company on the verge of default in testing times. Come XII Plan (2012-17). The mandarins in the North and South Block in Delhi have predicted a growth of 9% in 2012-13on the conditionality that the grim world economic scenario improves. It is Monte Carlo method!

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