Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Government dispenses

The Central Government has a dog in the manger policy for some States, while it has chewing the cud procedures for some other States. The Union of India which is a union of States, receive different types of accommodation depending upon the Political situation prevailing at the time of sharing of the largesse. For some, the Union government is philanthropical but for some others it is a miser like Scoorge in Charles Dickens play. But vivid discrimination notwithstanding, some States are more equal than others. The thundering Chief Ministers get things done for their states by resorting to Political blackmail. West Bengal’s roar will make Parliament Road comes to a halt. Top Congress party bosses feel mellowed in the company of the simple lady of West Bengal. If she dares, government sheepishly accommodates her in spite of vehement protest by the man in blue turban- Montek Singh Aluwaliah. Government never seeks Planning Commission’s suggestions to the demand of Lady who sits in Writers Building, whether there is money in the treasury or not. She is a Lion in front of the timid Ruling party. The ex boss of Tamilnadu when he tries to get up from his wheel chair, the whole Government runs to him. When the ruling party hears that the ex boss of TN is coming to Delhi, the prime minister faints. His daughter Kanimozhi threatened the government with serious consequences if India did not vote against Sri Lanka in the US submitted resolution asking for prosecuting the human rights violators during the army’s war against Sri Lanka Tamils. The Government meekly responded by saying that India will vote against Sri Lanka resolution. Our Foreign Policy, as laid down by the architect of India Pdt Jawaharlal Nehru has been the policy of non-alignment. Madam Jayalalitha turned 180 degrees when she agreed to the suggestion that the nuclear plant at Kondamkulam in Tamil Nadu had significant safeguards and the state needed badly power to run the industries. The same CM refused the sane assurance of Bharat Ratna Abdul Kalam regarding the safety of the plant and commented that she was not satisfied with the assurance. At any hour, Congress government will help and assist Omar Abdullah, time and again. . In Andhra, solution to bifurigation of the state to Andhra and Telegana has taken the state to stupor. There are states ruled by BJP, which gets support sometimes, brick bats some other times. But the opposition namely the Congress in the BJP ruled state. Depending upon the stature of their leader, will get support from the Centre. Maharashtra, with Mumbai which is the commercial capital, the government will erase every full stop to please the State. Shard Pawar, the powerful man from there, fretted and fumed when Government applied break to Cotton exports, after it had crossed the export target. It took just a day for the DGFT to over-turn its order. Similar problem exist in sugar export. Gujarat, the birth place of Gandhi, with its BJP connection is another state, which may get central support like the monsoon rains- unpredictable! But the Gujarati businessman knows how to pull the wires in the Central secretariat, and get his demand fulfilled. Even North East region, gets 10% of every budgeted plan, so that they get automatically what is desired. Kerala is a state on the southern end of India. There are Congress leaders who will tell you that they would build a spring in a desert with Centre’s help. Some of the most powerful portfolios are held by the Kerala based leaders. Yet nothing will happen. Railway budget will come and go; the state may get one train or most of the time an empty promise that some survey will be done. It is a consumption state with negligible central investment. It depends upon everything including construction, hotel, causual, labourers from the rest of the States while, many Keralities have gone abroad in search of jobs. The nursing profession is Kerala’s brand. If Schemes are granted, the officials here do not have the expertise to implement them. There are engineering and medical colleges, at street corners but those who complete their courses have one foot outside India. The Central Government will promise the moon, and show moon’s reflection. Our state is satisfied. This state is backward, outlays are poor, and Schemes are rare. Highly literate and highly talented state has brain drain, because to draw a picture, you need a wall. There are no walls here.

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