Sunday, July 11, 2010

Public speaking, a profession or an art?

There are number of highly paid Public Speakers around the World? Why have the celebrities, politicians or business tycoons entered the domain of Public speaking? The Politicians, who were bosses, running their country from exalted positions, why have they become highly preferred strategists, planners and Public relation experts? Would a musical feat by a celebrated singer or a dance and music show by Michel Jackson or a solo performance of a noted dancer, cost as much as a lecture on public or theoretical themes of Public speakers, however gifted they may be?

If Dale Carnegie were alive today, he would have written a Book, “How to Speak, win audiences and to make more money?”

William Jefferson Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of America (Jan20-1993-Jan20, 2001) is one of the most sought after Speakers around the world. He has addressed 197 meetings spanning across 45 countries of the world earning US $ 65.5 million. 1 speech is expected to fetch him around $ 1, 50,000. He was remunerated US $ 4,50,000 for a Public Speech he made after recouping from his bypass surgery in 2004 (where his performance was practically nil). This is stated by his wife, Ms Hillary Clinton, on her assuming charge as Secretary of State regarding spouses income submitted to the Government. A President who was on the verge of being impeached but for his acquittal by the US Senate, has been spending his time usefully spreading his philosophy, sharing his expertise, and Planning strategy [which did not make a major difference to the Country during his Presidency]. His successor Bush Jr made $ 1, 50,000 during 2009-10 after vacating the White House.

Tony Blair, former Prime Minister of England, is the highest paid Public Speaker in the world today. He was paid $ 6, 16,000 for a Public lecture during 2009. He was able to garner 12 million pounds over the past one year, 6 times of the income he earned during his entire period of his stay at 10, Downing Street. He charged around $ 2, 50,000 for a 90 minute speech.

Ronald Regan, made $ 2 million from just one assignment in 1987, helping a Japanese Company to improve their Public Relations. Al Gore, Nobel Prize awardee, charged $ 100,000 per speech.

Sarah Palin was unknown outside Alaska till the Presidential election of 2008. The Presidential race where she was nominated as the Vice President by the Republican Party and loads of media attention heaped on her, secured for her royalties worth $ 12 million. She charged $ 1, 00,000 or more for a Public speech, after she demitted the office of the Governor.

Mikhail Gorbachev, the USSR leader who saw the collapse of the United Socialist Soviet Republic, though he tried his best to reform the stagnating USSR economy, was in great demand as a ‘Public Speaker’ and he was rated highly. He was also rewarded fees to the tune of $ 2, 00,000 per speech.

These great Politicians who played with the destiny of the Countries when they were at the helm, left the governance scene, and became noblesse oblige of sharing their thoughts with the World. As rightly advised by a famous author, the Comfort Zone of each individuals should be stretched (Comfort zone is referred as the area in which one is comfortable operating) because outside the ‘comfort zone’ is where great opportunities are waiting.

Taking a leaf from these outstanding statesmen and Politicians, Indian Politicians who are above the age of 60 would do well to retire and give way to the youngsters, second line leaders, and preach the philosophy and their experience before audiences across the world to enrich themselves with Dollars which can be exempt from any tax. Instead of trying to push their outdated, obsolete and discarded theories which they learned in School or in College, they would do a world of good, if they gracefully adumbrate their counterparts in England and America, and spread their philosophy and Utopian theories. Instead of thrusting their theories on the people of India, let them captivate the world audiences – Ayodhya the land of Rama, what is meant by Indian dose of Secularism, the functioning of the bureaucracy, how to increase illiteracy and poverty, tell the world about non violence, Roadside bundhs, sidewalk bundhs, hartals, etc.

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