Thursday, July 1, 2010

Two tragedies, two different solutions

A major oil spill, Gulf of Mexico Oil spill, which erupted from the British Petroleum oil rigs on April 20, spewed the Coastline and ruptured the Sea wall, causing immense damage to the United Coastline. The breach of the oil rig which caused 6000 barrel of oil erupting from the rig to the ocean, caused instantaneous death of 11 workers, while the United States Government fears that the Coastline imperiled multimillion dollar fishing, tourism industries, killed birds, sea turtles and dolphins.

The President of the United States fretted and fumed, throttled BP with the worst criminal act, and ordered BP Chairman Carl Henric Svanbog to the White House and wrested a $ 20 billion to an escrow account (with no cap) that would contribute towards compensation and clean up costs. The President blamed the BP for its pre-disaster compromise and post disaster inability to contain the oil slick. United States acts tough on environmental disasters, while they blink at the catastrophes caused by American Companies by following poor safety standards in-built in the machines supplied by them.

British petroleum, are not the only company involved; Tran ocean (owns the rig), Halliburton responsible for sealing; United States authorities are responsible for overseeing the offshore drilling. So it was as guiltier as the British Petroleum.

In India, the tragedy of Bhopal which spewed toxic gases leaked causing devastation destruction including killing 4,000 4000 instantaneously and around 15,000 over the years, and still continue to torment many with loss of limbs, lost eye sight, physical deformity, etc. Warren Anderson, Chief Executive at the time of catastrophe, resides in United States without caring for the Rule of Law. When the country’s President talks of public interest and social responsibility, the so called respectable citizen flouts and flaunts Law with disdain, even though the catastrophe was 1000 times more serious than the one in which President Obama flexed his muscles. Union Carbide is response for the lapses in its subsidiary unit, especially when one of its own countryman presided over that subsidiary and any accidental leak that occurred has been proven to be due to negligence, poor safety standards followed at the plant, and ill-suited manpower unable to control the disaster. On whom does the responsibility of the death of atleast 0.25% lakh people who include women, children and earning members of the family? Are these multi-national United States Companies above Law?

The ‘Liberty, Equality and Fraternity’ concept of America’s founding fathers should be adhered strictly and observed in words rather than in deeds. President Obama should set an example of his leadership by asking Warren Anderson to submit to law. People who were deprived off their life must be compensated suitably. What is good for America is good for India, also. Will President Obama rise to the occasion? He is a President who got the Nobel Prize for Peace. He owes it to the world community to do justice. Will he, is the $ 100 question?

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